Our garden is really rather small (though the rental agency assures us it is medium). Also most of it is lawn and as we are renting we can't dig any of it up. And the border along one side is in the shade and has lots of prickly bushes planted in it. So I have grand garden dreams that have to be pared down to fit to the real garden size. However, as there is nothing I can change about this, I like to approach it as a challenge to fit as many edible plants in as possible.
This is the sunny border. There are various shrubs in it that I can't dig up so last year I planted stuff in pots. This year I've been adding compost around the shrubs (the garden soil is pretty bad) and am going to plant directly in to that.
These are my two teeny weeny beds. Hannah has planted a pea next to one of the sticks ! I have planted spring onions at the end of the green bed.
Here's a small amount of garlic. Not sure why we didn't plant more, I think perhaps we only had a few cloves left and just stuck them in to see if anything would happen. I've planted some more spring onions in here.
Planted so far:
Feb 29 tomatoes inside on windowsills and beans in the shed with fleece on top.
March 3 spring onions
The end to my blogging season
9 years ago
I have started out tomatoes indoors so far to but I have yet to start my beans :) I love beans so I'm hoping they do well but we have to wait until nearly the end of may for our last frost date to plant them outdoors so I have a bit of time to wait :) A friend of mine had a similar rental yard to yours with limited planting space and she actually propped purchased bags of potting soil all along her fence where the sun hit most and planted directly into the bags. It worked well to increase her garden space as she wasn't allowed to dig up any grass either. I'm joining in with ginny's garden updates so I look forward to reading of how your garden grows :)