Things are growing.
These are cabbage seedlings which have been in our mini-greenhouse.
All available inside windowsills have been put to work. Here we have tomato and bean seedlings. I've moved the beans to the greenhouse as they were getting too tall, but there isn't anywhere inside with more light. Looking at the sunny weather forecast for the next week, they should be ok I hope.
Cornflowers and lettuce have also started to emerge, and I also have a couple more trays of tomato seedlings. I am wondering where I am going to put all these tomatoes when I pot them into bigger pots. Some will just have to go and take their chances in the greenhouse. No sign of the peas or courgettes yet.
I found one of the rhubarb crowns hiding under some dead leaves, and I've covered it with this black pot in the hope of forcing some rhubarb in the next few weeks. I did have two other crowns somewhere but they havent' surfaced yet.
I have planted radishes and lettuce in the black pots, and carrots and spinach beet in the small sections of bed.
We have some lovely primroses brightening up the shady parts of the garden.
I have plans for a few sack gardens, hanging baskets for tomatoes and planters that I can attach over the wall...........
Those primroses are beautiful!