Sunday, 21 October 2012

at the weekend

A very unusual weekend for me this one in that it was fairly child free. On Saturday I travelled to Hitchin for the Peter Phillips singing day organised by Benslow music. On the way I went through the newly refurbished and now very impressive Kings Cross station. A major improvement on the old dark, cramped concourse !

The singing day was fun, if a bit frustrating. We were singing Tallis' Spem in Alium which is a very difficult unaccompanied work for 40 voices. So in a single day, with a choir full of enthusiastic amateurs there was no way we were going to get anywhere near to perfecting it. But now I've had a go at it I would really like to do it properly. I reckon a few days hard work with a choir of good amateur singers and you could get somewhere close. Not sure when I'm going to get this opportunity though. Will have to keep a look out.

On Sunday, the other half and I had a day out. We collected my digital piano from the mending piano man, and paid him a lot of money. However it is now working, it was still cheaper than buying a new one, and it's kept the old one out of landfill. The kids have strict instructions to only press the piano keys and not the other buttons. I do not want it stuck in harpsichord mode ! After escaping from piano mans description of quite how difficult it was to mend the various circuit boards, we went for lunch and a look round of Polesden Lacey. This was the party house of Mrs Grenville, where Edwardian royalty, high society and entertainers escaped for weekends of deals, politics and romance !

We also had a stroll round the gardens where there were lots of lovely autumn colours.

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